Donuts in a bowl? Why not?

What do you get when you combine two breakfast treats into one bowl? Pure, sugar dusted bliss. Donut pass up on trying this cereal. I’ll explain as we dig into a bowl of Post x Hostess donates powdered mini donuts cereal.


I applaud the continuity of the traditional Hostess donettes branding colors and packaging look transferred onto the cereal box. Also, the photo on the back of the box makes it feel like you’re far more classier and eating a cereal that won’t spike your sugar intake for the day.

As for the cereal itself, it’s basically the same size and texture as what you’d expect from Fruit Loops. Instead of fruity flavor, the cereal is dusted with powdered sugar, making it look like your cereal has been sitting in a room that just had drywall hung on an episode of Fixer Upper.


One areas where I think this cereal excels is snackability. It’s like eating a dry, crunchy donut, but in a good way, if that makes sense? I could easily see myself eating a handful of this cereal dry as a snack, or if you’ve been drinking late one weekend evening and are hungry then this might satisfy. The only thing I will warn you about is what I mentioned in the previous category. If you eat this cereal dry, your fingers will be coated in the powder

Okay, so this isn’t the same white powder as I refer to, but any chance you can use a Scarface gif you weave it in.

Structural Integrity

This is a decently solid cereal. If you eat it in a reasonable amount of time, (if it takes you more than a few minutes to eat a bowl of cereal, are you even doing it right?) then this cereal will have that perfect amount of satisfying crunch. I did find that it stayed more crunchy in milk than Apple Jacks, for example.

Cereal Concept

I’m guilty of grabbing a sleeve of Hostess donettes at a convenience store every once in a while, so when Post announced this cereal it seemed like a no-brainer for me. At this point, I’m pretty sure cereal companies are just thinking: what can we combine and make it into a cereal? (i.e. similar to how Taco Bell derives its new menu items, I’m guessing.)


While I was skeptical of how they would get it to taste like powdered donuts, they succeeded. (Granted it doesn’t taste like a fresh powdered donut, but more like the ones you’d buy by this brand in a sleeve or bag.) The cereal is pretty sweet tasting, as you would expect. Milk helps tone that sweetness down a tad bit, but not to the level of leaving it tasting like a bland Cheerio.

Final Thoughts

I was pleasantly surprised by Hostess donettes powdered mini donuts cereal. It checks off all the boxes I arbitrarily make in my head for what makes a cereal a good cereal. From concept execution, snackability and flavor. If I had an award for newcomer cereal of the year, this one would have been nominated in 2018. I have no problem recommending this cereal to others. However, I recommend you eat no more than two bowls of it in one sitting. Anything beyond that and …

What do you think of Hostess donettes cereal? Have you tried it? Thanks for stopping by the Cereal Aisle!

4 thoughts on “Donuts in a bowl? Why not?

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