Funfetti cereal isn’t as fun as it advertises

It’s probably telling how a cereal will be, if you can’t find out who the manufacturer is. All I know is Pillsbury decided to try to mimic the flavor of cake into a box of cereal. While it sounds like a good idea and maybe incredibly surgary…

So is Funfetti cereal fun in a box? Here are my thoughts.


I think the most common cereal shapes are rings and puffs. Funfetti cereal falls into the latter. From the look on the box, you expect little cake-tasting puffs with dashes of sprinkles on each piece. But when you open the box and pour it in a bowl, what you see is a bowl of dusted Kix with colorful speckles. And they said sprinkles were for winners. I don’t think any us won in this.

While the cereal looks underwhelming, at least the packaging screams “look at me, I’m fun, I swear.” While vibrant colors and use of the word “fun” multiple times cover the box, this cereal is a box of lies.  With that said, I’m a sucker for the back of the box, because of a word search and other puzzles on it. 


Eating Funfetti cereal dry, you’ll notice a faint sweet vanilla taste that doesn’t linger long, unlike that guest that comes over and never gets the hint to leave after everyone else has. Could I sit and eat handfuls of this cereal? No. But if you come home and just need a quick, sweet fix a few pieces of this cereal will satisfy. Overall, it kind of reminds me of the powder donut cereal but tempered down.

Structural Integrity

The worst attribute of Funfetti cereal is fighting off sogginess. If the cereal was the Titanic, milk is the ocean, and we all know how that turned out. The time between crunchy pieces of cereal to texture similar to Boba tea balls is minimal. So if you’re eating this cereal, my suggestion would be to do so fast.

Cereal Concept

The idea of Funfetti cereal seems like a good one. The trouble is trying to transfer the idea from vision boards to a cereal bowl. And like most things in life, things get lost in transfer. But it’s 2020, and at this point, we’re just throwing ideas against a wall to see what sticks, right?


When you open the package of cereal for the first time, you get a hint of Funfetti cake, and you think that may be a good sign. However, the flavor of the cereal isn’t very potent at all. There’s a subtle sweetness to it and a hint of vanilla and almost times of berry. When you add milk to the cereal, it decreases the flavor even more, at least it did for me. So, if you were worried that this cereal would be too sweet, don’t worry about it. In fact, let your kids eat 1 giant box each. Okay, maybe not, but you get the point.

Final Thoughts Upon reading a book by the cover with this cereal, you think there’s going to be a party in your mouth with each bite of Funfetti cereal. And if your definition of party is watching someone’s vacation slideshow while eating carrot sticks, Wheat Thins and room temperature water then this cereal is for you. So my recommendation is make an excuse not to go to this party and stay home with a box of a different cereal.


2 thoughts on “Funfetti cereal isn’t as fun as it advertises

  1. Pingback: Find out what Tim Horton’s timbits cereal is all aboot | The Cereal Aisle

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