Oatmeal Creme Pies: the cereal you’ve been waiting for, or just another bore?

Another cereal you never thought would be created or was needed is now available, thanks to Kellog’s. The fat kid in me says I should love this cereal even before I try it (I ate so many Oatmeal Creme Pies as a kid that it totally makes sense why I was a fat kid). But I learned a few years ago Oatmeal Creme Pies aren’t just for chubby kid Joe. Apparently, they help fuel championships, as Alabama coach Nick Saban eats two Oatmeal Creme Pies each day for breakfast. So maybe he’s the reason behind this cereal? Let’s find out how a chewy delicious snack translates into a cereal.


Packaging first: it’s Americana printed on cardboard with all the Little Debbie branding you’d expect and have come to know. I give credit to Kellog’s for clearly setting expectations with the contrasting images of the original snack next to the pieces of cereal. Because let’s be honest, the cereal looks nothing like a cookie, but instead looks more like a bowl of… but hold on to jumping to conclusions. 


As a dry cereal snack, it’s not too bad. The pieces are a little big, so it may not be for small children to snack on. Think of this cereal thick Cheerios in texture and crunch. The only downside of eating the cereal dry is the light creme coating. It’s not as heavy of a coating as what was on the powdered donettes cereal, but it’s still enough to need a napkin or wet wipe on hand.

Structural Integrity

As mentioned in the above category, the cereal pieces are thick. When pouring the cereal into a bowl, it’s like a child dumping their rock collection into an empty ice cream bucket. But, the cereal is deceiving. Once you pour milk on it (or maybe you’re one of those people who pour milk first then cereal), the light, puffy cereal absorbs milk rather fast. If you’re a person who enjoys a satisfying crunch of cereal in each bite, my recommendation is not to let this cereal wade in milk for too long.

Cereal Concept

I have to be honest, of all the whacky cereals I’ve encountered over the past year or so, this is one I would not have thought of. So I give applause to thinking outside the 2×4 looking Little Debbie box and developing a cereal around a timeless snack. Then again, I could be completely biased because of my love for the original snack, but who cares. This is my blog and review. 


Rather subdued aroma when opening the bag. You get a slight creme flavor from the creme powder coating that seems activated by milk, but it’s nothing distinct. You also taste a smattering of molasses, cinnamon and nutmeg to provide a little spice to the sweetness.

If I were to really simplify it, I’d describe it as thick Honey Nut Cheerios with powdered sugar dusting

Final Thoughts

Like many novels cereals that create something based off inspiration, this cereal doesn’t taste like a standard Oatmeal Creme Pie, and that probably shouldn’t be expected. However, it’s not a terrible cereal either and is one that I could eat again. So if you temper your expectations and enjoy the ride of novelty then this cereal will do you just fine and ….BAGELS! It looks like a bowl of bagels. That’s what I was thinking of earlier in the review that started with “B.”

Is there a Little Debbie snack you would have rather had made into a cereal than Oatmeal Creme Pies?


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