Having a go at Eggo cereal

Guess who’s back back again? Guess who’s back, tell a friend. Guess who’s back, guess who’s back, Eggo’s back. After a seven year hiatus, Kellogg’s brought back Eggo cereal in November 2019. Eggo cereal was originally sold between 2006 – 2012. It should come as no surprise for this cereal to come back when it did, in a time where novelty and nostalgia cereals are reach their peak in popularity. But other than the nostalgia, how satisfying is its return?


Just to be clear, this is mac and cheese, but I wouldn’t be made if they made a cereal based off this.

Eggo cereal excels in its appearance. The look of the box is as consistent as a box of its frozen waffle namesake. Diving into the bag the pieces of cereal look like little waffles. If that doesn’t paint a clear enough picture for you, let me try this. Imagine a Ritz cracker had a love child with Honeycomb cereal. I also couldn’t help but look down at the bowl of cereal without thinking the shape reminded me of something from my childhood, but I couldn’t quite figure it out. Then it hit me. Wagon wheel mac and cheese!


I had high hopes for this cereal’s snackability and let me tell you it only somewhat disappointed. For being small and dense, airy and not hard to bite into. The crunch is satisfying and the morsels are a perfect size (think Corn Pops), but the flavor of it is just so-so, which we’ll get into more in under the Flavor category.

Structural Integrity

I was surprised by how well the cereal held up in milk. With my non-scientific measurement of using the stopwatch function on my phone, the cereal still held some crunch after 8 minutes in milk.

Cereal Concept

The concept obviously isn’t new, since Eggo cereal was on shelves back in 2012. Also, Post Cereals had it’s counterpart in Waffle Crisp until it was discontinued in August. 2018. The timing of Waffle Crisp’s demise was capitalized on by Kellogg’s. So, while it meets the demands of nostalgia, I can’t say it’s an original, groundbreaking concept.


Beyond the bright yellow Eggo box that instills happiness (I’m not sure how they do the wizardry they do, but the packaging just makes me smile), you’re greeted with a strong scent of maple flavoring. However, that’s where the flavors, notes, tastes or whatever else you want to call it, ends. When you add milk, it dilutes the flavor even more, so you’re left with a sweet morsel, but not so much of the maple flavor. Also, I was hoping the cereal would have a savory butter flavor, but alas no luck. 

Final Thoughts

I’ve long been a fan of Eggo waffles, ever since I was a kid. The idea of a cereal under the same brand excited me, but what I got was a bowl filled of lackluster cereal. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good, but it’s just not great, and that’s probably due to me having higher expectations. If you want to try this version of the cereal or their blueberry Eggo Waffle cereal then be my guest. I’d be happy to hear what you think of it. But for me, I think I’ll just stick to my frozen, homestyle Eggo Waffles. 


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